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Islamic state and constitution -6


Chapter Five

1. The concept of Islamic nationhood

2. The real significance of Islamic nationality

Prior to the division of the country, nationality was paramount in the political discourse of the subcontinent. Muslims have always maintained their own distinct nationality. They never accepted the idea of ​​merging with non-Muslims to become one nation. But in the 20th century, with the combination of Western influence and Hindu politics, the confused movement of collective nationality began. This movement spread far-reaching influence on the educated population. Allama Iqbal, Maulana Maududi and other thinkers responded to this challenge and severely criticized the concept of collective nationality. The benefit of this timely criticism was that the Muslims were saved from the fallacy of collective nationhood and the Pakistan movement was built on the basis of the two-nation theory. Maulana Maududi's writings play a prominent role in this revival. Two of Maulana's essays are being included in our current collection for consistency of content. This article is taken from the two monthly Tarjmanul Quran November December 1933 issue and June 1939 issue. This essay has previously been published as an insert in two other collections and has stirred the thoughts of many readers. - Compiler

1. The concept of Islamic nationhood

At the very first step in the march of mankind from primitive savage life to civilized life, it becomes inevitable that out of the vast human society a distinct line of unity will develop, and that a few individuals will come together for a common purpose and interest and undertake a program of mutual cooperation and joint action. As civilization progresses, the scope of this collective unity will continue to expand. Eventually, a large number of people will come under it. This collective human body is called “Jati”. Although the two words "Jati" and "Nationality" in their distinct terminology are modern creations. But what comes to mind just by uttering these two words is as old as civilization itself. The structure of 'race' and 'nationality' was the same in ancient Egypt, Babylon, Rome and Greece as it is in today's France, Britain, Germany and Italy.

Integral elements of nationality

There is no doubt that nationalism originates from a dormant passion. That is, its primary objective is that the people of a particular group will work for their collective interests and welfare and live as a "Jati" for their collective needs. But when "nationalism" emerges in them, it inevitably creates the characteristics of "groupism". As the sentiment of “nationalism” intensifies, “groupism” becomes more pronounced. Whenever a nation binds itself to a unity to serve its own interests and preserve its welfare, or in other words, to build a "national" wall around itself, it inevitably discriminates between its outsiders and its insiders. Will give priority to your people over others in all matters. In the next confrontation, he cannot support his people. When there is a conflict between the interests and welfare of the two groups, he will protect his own interests and sacrifice the interests of others. Due to these reasons, there will be war between them, and there will be a treaty. But wherever it is the field of battle or the meeting of negotiations, the line of nationality between their two groups will remain intact. The name of this thing is groupism and caste discrimination. It is an essential and inherent feature of nationality.

Elements of Nationality

Any element of unity and partnership can lead to the collapse of nationalism. The condition, however, is that the material from which the nationality will be formed must have such a strong power of connection and control that despite a large number of people, it unites all in the same message, the same thought, the same goal and the same program and unites a large number of diverse people of the nation into unity. The bond binds and binds so tightly that they become a solid stone. The element of unity and partnership which will form the basis of this nationhood is to have so much dominion, authority and control over the minds and brains of the entire population that they will all be united in the question of national interest and be ready to make any sacrifice to achieve it.
There can be many elements of unity and partnership. But all the nationalities that have emerged in the world from the beginning of history to today, except for the Islamic nationality, of them have been formed on the basis of one of the following unity. Correspondingly with this element of Aditya other elements have been added:
A. Descent unity. It is also called species unity.
B. Unity of a homeland. It is also called native or territorial unity.
C. Linguistic unity. Being an effective means of creating unity of thought, it plays a special role in nation-building.
d. Racial unity. It creates a sense of kinship among people of the same caste.
Then this sense of patriotism goes further and prompts them to avoid and despise people of different castes.
e. Unity of economic interests. This element separates the people of society with one type of economic system from the people of a society with a different type of economic system. Based on this, the people of both societies strive to gain their economic rights and welfare against each other.
f. Unity of governance. This element binds the citizens of a state into a collective system of governance and demarcates their distance from citizens of different states.
No matter who searches for the elements of nationality, from the earliest era to the bright age of the 20th century, these elements can be found in all of them.
Two or three thousand years ago, Greek, Roman, Israeli, Iranian, etc. nationalities were based on these foundations. And today's German, Italian, French, English, American, Russian and Japanese nationalities are also standing on these foundations.
It is the sixteenth fact that these foundations of the construction of the many nationalities of the world have very strongly organized and united the nations. But at the same time, the fact cannot be denied that such nationalism poses a dire danger to mankind. These nationalities have divided the human world into hundreds and thousands of parts. And this division is so extreme that one part can be wiped out, but the other part cannot be changed. One lineage cannot become another lineage, one land or country cannot become another land and country, and one language-speaking population cannot change into another language-speaking population. People of one caste cannot transform into people of another caste, the economic objectives and goals of one nation cannot become precisely the objectives, goals and hopes and aspirations of another nation and one state can never transform into another state. The result of this is that in the nationalities which are built on these foundations, no way of mutual agreement and compromise can be found in them. Due to national aristocracy and nationalism, they engage in a perpetual conflict of competition, rivalry and resistance against each other and try to trample each other. They are destroyed fighting each other. Then new nationalities are formed from the same material and end up in similar conflicts. This nationality is the source of strife, anarchy, disorder and iniquity in the world, the greatest curse of God and the most infallible tool of Satan in the destruction of mankind.

Ignorance and aristocracy

The natural claim of this kind of nationality is that it creates hatred and aristocracy in people. It incites one nation to quarrel and enmity with another just because they are different nations. It has nothing to do with truth, honesty and justice. A person's skin is black just because he has the eyes of a white-skinned person. A man is a native of Asia - only because of this he is subjected to the contempt, torture and oppression of the Firing. Scientists like Einstein became objects of German hatred and contempt simply because they were Jewish. The confiscation of the kingdom of Tashkedi for the crime of punishing a European merely because he was a dark-skinned negro was held to be perfectly legal. 1. {Tashkedi is the patriarch of the Bamingvatu tribe of Basuana Land. Caning a European criminal was considered such a serious crime that the British Empire deprived him of his throne. But even the High Commissioner himself would have acknowledged the sad behavior of this Firingi man with the local residents. Poor Tashkedi was later restored to the kingdom only after promising that he would not settle any case involving a European. But there was no provision in that treaty to prevent the Europeans from interfering with the lives and property of the natives.}
It becomes perfectly legal for civilized citizens of America to arrest Negroes and burn them at the stake simply because they are Negroes. It became legal for Americans not to allow Negroes to live in white houses, to walk on the streets, and even to deny them the right to vote. It is considered sufficient for a Frenchman and a German to hate each other that one of them is French and the other German. They not only hate each other because of this, but all the virtues of one seem to be only faulted in the eyes of the other. The free-spirited Afghans of the frontier provinces felt perfectly justified in bombarding the British because they were Afghans, and the French in wholesale killing the inhabitants of Damascus because they were Arabs. In general, this racial discrimination is something that makes people completely blind to justice and fairness. Because of this, the world-famous principles of morality and courtesy also take the form of nationality, sometimes oppression, sometimes justice, sometimes truth, sometimes falsehood, sometimes politeness and sometimes impoliteness.

What can be a more irrational mentality for a man to consider an incompetent and dishonest person superior to a competent and honest person just because the first one is born in the same family and the second in a different family? The first is white and the second is black? The firstborn west of a mountain and the second east of it? The first speaks one language and the second another? The first belongs to one empire and the second belongs to another empire? Can the color of the skin change the cleanliness of the soul? Does Vivek believe that mountains and seas have anything to do with character and human qualities? Can any sane person accept that what is true in the East will become a lie in the West? Can any sane mind entertain the idea that honesty, justice, gentleness and mental virtue should be tested by the standard of the blood flowing in the arteries, the spoken language of happiness and the soil of the birthplace? Surely conscience will answer these questions in the negative. But the advocates of caste, caste, birthplace and other discriminations very boldly reply that, yes, that is the case.

Review of Elements of Nationality

Ponder over the above questions for a moment. As many characteristics as exist equally in the capacity of all members of a large population which form the basis of nationality, consider first their own existence and think whether these characteristics individually have any logical basis, or are they just imaginary quirks?
Let us first consider the species or clan partnership and equality. It's just blood unity. The sperm of the mother and father is its starting point. By this, blood relations are formed among a number of people. Then its circle is further expanded to form family clans and descendants. To reach this last limit, i.e. descendants, man belongs to his descendants. A far cry from the founding fathers. So far removed that his name as the father's answer becomes secondary and insignificant. Into this great river of the so-called descent, many tributaries of external blood also join the branches. As a result, no intelligent person can claim that the original water flows in this river from its source. If people can accept a "Bashdhar" as a bond of unity for themselves on the basis of equal sharing of blood, then where is the difficulty in accepting the bond of blood that connects the entire Sanvajati with their ancestors and ancestors as a bond of unity? What is the harm if all people are related to the same subject and the same principle? All the men who are now regarded as the founders of different ages and generations, of them have gone up and joined the same line somewhere, and in the end, it is impossible not to admit that they all sprang from the same source. So where is the logic of this division called Arya Anarya?
The matter of geographical unity based on the homeland is more imaginary than this. The real birthplace of man is not more than one square yard. If he decides on such a small area as his homeland, then he may not be able to call any country his homeland. But around this small piece of land he draws a line of hundreds or thousands of miles and says that till then my motherland, I have nothing to do with anything beyond that line, it is only the narrowness of his vision. But no one can stop him from claiming the whole world as his motherland. On the basis of which logic a motherland of one square yard can be extended to thousands of square yards. By the same logic, it can spread all over the world. If a man does not narrow his vision, he realizes that these seas, mountains, rivers, etc., which he merely considers as boundary lines by his own whims, distinguishing between one continent and another without its basis, are all part of the same world. So on what basis did he give the mountains, rivers and seas the right to keep him imprisoned in a certain land? Why doesn't he say that I am a citizen of the world, the whole world is my motherland and homeland and all the people living in the world are my countrymen? Why does he not claim that I have the birthright in the whole world, which I have in this one square yard of my native land?
The advantage of a linguistic partnership is only that those who speak the same language have more opportunities for mutual understanding and exchange of ideas. In this, the sense of unknown among each other is reduced to a large extent and interlocutors feel more close to each other. But if the medium of expression of the attitude of several persons is the same, it does not mean that the attitude itself must be the same. The same attitude can be expressed in ten different languages, and it is possible for those expressing the attitude in those ten languages ​​to be united in the same attitude. On the other hand, ten different attitudes can be expressed in the same language, and it is not strange that the same speaker may believe in those different meditative concepts and contradict each other. So the unity of opinion that is the life of the nation is not the face of linguistic unity. Likewise, speakers of the same language do not necessarily share the same views and thoughts. Then the important question we have to face is what is the contribution or influence of language on human humanity and his personal good or bad? Should a German be preferred over a French speaker just because he is a German speaker? No, it is never. To see his personality is endowed with what kind of fault or quality? It is not enough to look at the language alone. It can be said with great emphasis that people who know the language of a country can prove to be more useful and successful in carrying out the practical activities and general business of a country. But this is not a valid basis for the division of humanity and national discrimination.
Then comes the context of caste. Caste-based gap and discrimination is the most senseless and ugly thing in human society. Varnato means the name of a quality or state of the body. But man is respected not only because of his body but also because of his spirit. This soul and consciousness have no color. So what is the meaning of discrimination against white, black, red and yellow people? Amsrato does not differentiate between black and white cow's milk. Because our aim is the milk, not the color of the cow. But our conscience has become so deranged and confused that we have become more focused on the color of people without paying attention to their character and mental qualities. The partnership of economic interest is actually an illegitimate child of human selfishness. It is not something created by God. From the mother's womb, the human child is endowed with performance and passion for action. Coming to earth, he gains a wide field of endeavor and is welcomed by the numerous means of life. But he not only wants to be happy with the door of his livelihood open but also wants the door of others to be closed. The unity that results from the inclusion of a large human group in this selfishness helps them to become a nation. At first glance, they feel that their economic opportunities have secured their rights and interests by creating a circle of benefits. But when many such groups form a similar circle around themselves, man makes his own life miserable. His own selfishness fettered his feet and shackled his hands. While trying to close the door of livelihood for others, he lost the key to his own livelihood. Today we have before our eyes the scene of how the empires of Europe, America and Japan are enjoying the fruits of their deeds. They do not understand now how to break down the economic fortresses which they had built as the best means of their security. Still can't we understand that creating circles for earning a living and creating national discrimination on that basis is a stupid thing to do? What is wrong with giving people the freedom to seek the grace of their Lord in God's great world?
Consensus on governance is essentially a tenuous and ephemeral thing. No permanent nationality can ever be established on this basis. The idea of ​​making a nation by binding the citizens of a state to its eternal allegiance has never been met with success. As long as the state is strong and powerful, citizens are bound by its laws. Whenever this bond is loosened, it will break into pieces. After the weakening of the central power in the Mughal Empire, nothing could prevent the various regions of Bharat from developing their own separate ethnicities. A similar fate befell the Ottoman Empire. In the last period, the Turkish youth organization "Young Turk" made many efforts to build a palace of Ottoman nationality. But as soon as one pushed, the whole palace collapsed. The cases of Austria and Hungary are the most recent examples. Also, many more examples can be cited from history. Those who, after looking at those examples, think they can construct political nationhood deserve to be congratulated only on the craft of their imagination.
It is clear from the above review that there is no rational basis for such divisions in human society. These are only material and emotional divisions. A slight broadening of the horizon breaks down each circle of these divisions. The perpetuation of these divisions depends on the darkness of ignorance and stupidity, the limitation of vision and the narrowness of the heart. The more the light of knowledge shines forth, the more discerning the insight, the more generosity and spaciousness arise in the heart, and the more these material and emotional veils begin to fall away. Eventually, racism and xenophobia must give way to humanity and nationalism to internationalism. Through the diversity of colors and languages, the basic truth of the unity of humanity shines brightly. In God's world, the economic desires of all of God's servants are the same. The political system is only the shadow of the sun called economic prosperity, which moves and waxes and wanes according to the movements of that sun.

Islam has a broad vision

What I said above is exactly what Islam says. Islam does not accept any material and emotional differences and discrimination between people. He says, all human beings come from the same source
"Allah created you from the same soul. Then created from it its pair and from both spread innumerable men and women [worldwide].” [Surah An-Nisa: 1]
Islam says the difference between your place of birth, place of death and motherland is not a fundamental issue. In fact, you all have taken susti from the same prana. Then everyone will have a resting place and a burial place.” [Surat al-Anayam: 98]
Then he explained the significance of the distinction between clan and gotra as follows:
“O mankind: I have created you from a male and a female and divided you into clans and tribes into tribes, that you may know one another. But in fact, the most honorable among you is the one who is most pious.” [Surah Al-Hujrat: 13]
That is, the diversity of races and tribes is not for the sake of hatred, pride and conflict between each other, but for the benefit of mutual identity. In this diversity, do not forget that the origin of mankind is one and the same. If there is any real difference between you, it is based on honesty and dishonesty of character and actions.
After that, it is said that these various groups and sectarian divisions are a form of punishment from Allah. By this you are made to enjoy the pain of mutual enmity:
"Or He will divide you into clans and make you taste each other's power and wealth." [Surat al-Anayam: 65]
Islam called this faction a crime and said that Pharaoh was cursed and punished because of this crime:
"Pharaoh became proud of the earth and divided the countrymen into different factions." {An allusion to the historical crime that Pharaoh divided the people of Egypt into the Kiwarti and the Akiwarti and discriminated against both groups.} [Surah Qaqasas: 41]
Islam also says that the world belongs to Allah. He has placed mankind here on the seat of the caliphate, subjugating and subjecting all things here to man. People are not bound to be slaves of any land. This vast world is open to him. If one place becomes narrow and uninhabitable for him, he can move to another place. Wherever he goes, he will find God-given wealth available:
“[When Adam was asleep God said] I am going to appoint a harlot on earth.” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 30]
"Do you not see that Allah has made all things in the world subject to you?" [Surah Hajj: 65]
"Wasn't God's world wide enough for you to migrate within it?" [Surah An-Nisa: 100]
You read the entire Quran. You will not find a word in it in support of caste, caste and geographical regionalism or nationalism. His invitation is addressed to the whole of mankind. He calls mankind all over the world to honesty and goodness. There is no caste and geographical distinction in this regard. If he had a special relationship with any land, it was only with Makkah.
"All permanent residents of Makkah and non-Muslims are of equal status." {This is why a group of Muslim jurists did not recognize anyone's ownership rights in the land of Mecca. Hazrat Umar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu used to forbid the people of Makkah to close the doors of their houses so that the pilgrims could enter any house they wanted. Hazrat Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz used to forbid renting houses in Makkah and wrote a letter to the ruler of Makkah, asking him to forbid people from renting. According to some jurists, if you build a house at your own expense, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Makkah is holy, and everyone has a right to the place. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: Makkah is sacred, its vacant land is sold and houses are rented out. Not allowed. In another hadith, whoever reaches Mecca first has the right to it. This is the status of the place that Islam has given special status.} [Surah Hajj: 25]
And it has been said about the polytheists who are the real inhabitants of that place that they are impure, expel them.
“The polytheists are impure. Therefore, after this year, after the announcement of them even near the edge of Masjid al-Haram, there was a complete elimination of national and regional nationalities in Islam. A Muslim can easily declare that "every country is our country, for it is the country of our Lord Allah."

Hatred and enmity with Islam

During the rise of Islam, this caste, clan and motherland differences, hatred and aristocracy were the biggest obstacles in its way.
The Prophet's own tribe was the most advanced in this race to produce nobility and excellence. The legends of tribal glory and the concept of personal and clan superiority became the biggest obstacles in their path to Islam. They used to say, if this Qur'an had come from Allah, it would have come to an eminent person in Makkah or Taif:
"They say: Why was this Quran not revealed to any leading person in the two towns? [Surah Zukhruf: 31]
Abu Jahl thought that Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, wanted to add another glory to his tribe by claiming prophethood. He used to say:
"We and Banu Abde Manaf used to compete with each other. We were equal with them in horse racing, feasting and charity. Now they are saying that one of our people has started coming. By God, we will never accept Muhammad as a prophet.”
It was not Abu Jahl's statement; Rather, in the eyes of all the polytheists of the Quraish clan, there was only one 'Khut' in the religion of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, that:
"The religion of Muhammad would deprive the Cyrus dynasty of its dynastic nobility and native glory and destroy its Arabian pretensions. In his eyes the small and the great are equal and he eats together with his servants. He does not understand the noble status of the Arab people, he also mingles with the Abyssinians. He has singled out black and white and discredited respectable people.”
Because of this, all the clans of the Koresh clan were angry with the Banu Hashem clan. And Banu Hashem also supported the Prophet's request on the basis of this tribal nobility, although most of them were not Muslims. The Banu Hashem was besieged for this reason at the hill of Shiabe Abu Taleb, and the entire Quraish clan boycotted them. Those Muslim tribes who were weak, could not bear the terrible persecution and were forced to migrate to Abyssinia. And those whose clans were strong, not because of their support for Islam, but because of their clan strength, were somewhat safe from the tyranny of the Koresh dynasty.
The Jews of Arabia were waiting for a prophet for a long time in light of the prophetic light of the Bani Israel prophets. The result of their prophecies was that a large number of the inhabitants of Madinah accepted Islam after the invitation of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, was revealed. But the reason why the Jews themselves refrained from believing in him was this sense of tribal aristocracy. Their objection was that when the Prophet came, why did he come from the descendants of Ishmael and not from among the Jews? This hatred made them so reckless that they left the monotheists and became allies of the polytheists.
The condition of the Christians was similar. They were also waiting for the arrival of a prophet. But they thought he would come from among the Syrian Christians. They were not ready to accept any prophet from Arabia. When the Messenger's message reached Heraclius, he said to the Cyrus merchants:
"I knew that the appearance of a prophet was imminent, but I did not expect that he would not appear from among you."
When the invitation to Islam came to Mufaukis of Egypt, he said:
"There is yet a prophet to come, that I know, but I hoped that he would come to Syria."
Even in the non-Arab world, this casteism was highly prevalent. Shah Khusru Parvez of Iran, when the great invitation letter of the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, reached him, why did he burst into anger? The reason was that "a person of a slave nation was so competitive that he addressed the king of Azam in this way." He considered the Arab nation as an inferior nation. He made them feel under him. In such a world he could not imagine that a person calling for the truth could be born.
The most effective tool to prevent the spread of Islam to the Jews, who were the worst enemies of Islam, was the tactic of inciting tribal hatred among Muslims. That is why they had secret collusion with the hypocrite and hypocrite Muslims of Madinah. Once he brought up the occasion of the Battle of Bugas, and the two Ansar clans kindled such a fire of hatred between the Aws and the Khazraj that both sides were about to fall to the sword. On the occasion of this event, this verse was revealed:
"O, believers! If you follow a group of people of the Book, they will turn you away from faith to disbelief.” [Surah Al Imran: 100]
Because of this same hereditary and territorial enmity, the hypocrites of Madinah were burning with oil to see the rule of the Quraysh Prophet in Madinah and to see the Muhajirs wandering in the palm groves and orchards of the Ansar. The leader of the hypocrites, Abdullah Ibn Upa'i, used to say, "These poor Quraysh have become banana trees after coming here." Their likeness is like feeding a dog and making it fat so that the dog can tear its owner and eat it.”
He used to say to the Ansar: “You are riding them on the head. Give shelter to your own country, and share your wealth. By Allah, if you stop cooperating with them today, you will see that they will roam around." The answer to these sayings of his is given in the Qur'an as follows:
"These are the people who say, 'Do not spend money on the companions of the Messenger of Allah, lest they become scattered. But Allah is the sole owner of all the wealth of heaven and earth. But the hypocrites do not understand that. They say, If we return [from the battle] to Madinah, the powerful will expel the weak from there. But the glory and prestige are mainly of Allah, His Messenger and the believers. But the hypocrites do not know that.” [Surah Munafiqun: 7-8]
It was this blind passion for patriotism that prompted Abdullah Ibn Ubayy to slander Hazrat Ayesha Radiyallahu Tayala Anha, and with the support of the Khazraj tribe, this staunch enemy of Allah and the Messenger escaped punishment for his actions.
Islam's jihad against sectarianism and casteism

It is well known from the above description that after the ignorance of Kufr and Shirk, the greatest obstacle and the most staunch enemy of the spread of Islamic dawah, if anything, is the devil of this clan's worship and self-righteousness. And for this reason, the thing that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) tried to eradicate the most after Kufr and Shirk was this caste hatred created by ignorance. If you read the books of Hadith and Seerat, you will understand how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) eradicated the differences between blood, soil, color and language, and between the Itar and the Nobles. How He broke down the walls of unnatural discrimination between men and gave equal rights to all the children of Adam as men. His education was:
"A person who gives his life for casteism and sectarianism does not belong to my party. The person who called for racism does not belong to my party. "The person who fought with open casteism is not from my party."
“One is not to be preferred over another on the basis of piety and piety. All humans are children of Adam Alayhis Salaam and Adam Alaihis Salaam was made of clay.”
He wiped out generational, nationalism, language and caste discrimination by saying:
“There is no superiority or superiority of Arabs over non-Arabs and non-Arabs over Arabs. All of you are children of Adam alaihis salam.”
"There is no superiority of Arab over non-Arab, non-Arab over Arab, white over black, and black over white, but only honesty and godliness."
"Listen and obey, even if your Emir appoints a negro slave whose head is as crooked as a raisin." [Note that this order was issued to the noble chieftains and leaders of Arabia that your Ameer should follow even if he is a Negro Muslim. Can any nationalist even imagine that?]
After the conquest of Makkah, when the proud heads of the Quraysh chiefs bowed down before the power of the sword, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, stood up to deliver the sermon and exclaimed in a loud voice:
"Listen, I claim under my feet any capital of virtue and nobility and any claim to blood and wealth."
"O Quraish: Allah Ta'ala has cleansed your ignorance of caste hatred and the glory of your father and grandfather.
"Oh human church! You all came from Adam and Adam was born from the soil. There is no room for pride in lineage. There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab and a non-Arab over an Arab. He who is the most righteous and God-fearing among you is the most honorable.”
After worshiping Allah, he used to witness three things before Allah. First: "There is no partner with Allah," then he testified that "Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is the servant and Messenger of Allah." Then the third thing he testified to was that "Allah's servants are brothers."

Islamic nationalism is the foundation

The palaces of different nationalities of the world were built on the narrow material, emotional and imaginary foundations of ignorance, Allah and His Messenger wiped them out. Due to people's extreme ignorance and stupidity, Islam uproots the irrational differences and inequalities of caste, race, homeland, language, economy and politics that divided human society and declares all people to be equal in terms of humanity.
Along with this break, he also completes the task of building a new nation on a completely rational basis. The basis of this nationality was also established on a kind of discrimination. But it is not material and physical discrimination but spiritual and moral discrimination. He presents before the people an inherent truth called “Islam.” He invites everyone to servitude and obedience to Allah, purity and cleanliness of mind and honesty and piety. It then informs that the person who accepts this invitation will belong to one nation and the one who rejects it will be considered a member of a different nation. An Islamic nation and all its people form an ummah of these two nations. In the Holy Quran, this Ummah is called moderate and balanced Ummah.
“I have thus made you all part of the moderate Ummah.
Another caste is known as the caste of blasphemy and corruption, and its followers are the same group despite their sharp differences among themselves.
"Allah does not guide those who deny the truth."
The basis of the difference between the above two nations is not caste and clan but faith and deeds. Even two sons of the same father may diverge on the difference between Islam and Kufr, and two complete strangers may belong to the same nation because of their belief in Islam.
The basis of the difference between the two races is not the difference in the homeland. Here the basis of difference and discrimination is right and wrong, which has no specific country or homeland. The nationality of two people in the same city, same neighborhood, or even in the same house can be different due to differences in Islam and Kufr. A negro may become a Meccan by reason of his binding to Islam.
Differences in caste are also not the cause of caste differences here. Here the color of the face has no importance or value. Rather, what matters is the color of the soul and that is the best color:
"Take the color of Allah. Whose color is better than his color?”
A white man and a black man can belong to the same race because of Islam, and two white people can have different nationalities because of Kufr.
Language difference does not cause conflict between Islam and Kufr. In this case, it is not the language of the mouth, but the language of the mind that matters. The language of the mind is universal and understood by all. Thus an Arab and an African may speak the same language. On the other hand, two Arabs may have different languages.
Differences in economic and political systems are not important in the conflict between Islam and Kufr. The issue here is not money, but religious wealth. The issue of controversy is not the kingdom of man, but the kingdom of God. Those who submit to the authority of Allah and sell their lives to Him are all of one nation, whether they are natives of India or Turkestan. And those who wave the banner of rebellion against the authority of Allah and make compromises with Satan for life and wealth are the people of a different nation. It does not matter what state they are citizens of and what economic system they are under.
Thus, the circle of nationality that Islam defines is not a material or sensory circle, but a completely intellectual circle. Two persons of the same family may be separated from each other in this circle, while one in the West and one in the East may meet within it. In the words of the poet:

Here love has nothing to do with blood

There is no difference between Rome, Syriac, or Semitic.
This star is neither eastern nor western
It has no boundaries nor north nor south.
Surrounding this circle is the Kalima "La-Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah." Enmity and friendship revolve around this Kalima. Acceptance of this Kalama opens the way to reconciliation and rejection leads to separation. Those whom this Kalima has separated, neither ties of blood, nor ties of soil, nor language, caste, food, nor partnership of government can bring them together. And those whom this Kalima has united, no one has the power to separate. No rivers, mountains, seas, languages, clans, castes and wealth and land disputes and differences have the right and power to draw the lines of division within Islam and create divisions and differences between Muslims. Every Muslim, whether Chinese or Moroccan, white or black, Hindi or Arabic, Semitic or Aryan, a citizen of one state or another, is always a member of the Muslim Ummah, a member of the Islamic community, a citizen of an Islamic state, an Islamic army. Soldiers and are entitled to the protections of Islamic law. There are not a single rule in Islamic Shari'ah, which gives one Muslim more or fewer rights than another Muslim on the basis of nationality, language, or homeland in any aspect of worship, mutual transactions, social behavior, economy, or politics, in general.

Islamic principles of union and separation

Such a misconception should not arise in anyone's mind that Islam has severed all material, social and human relations. never Rather, he ordered Muslims to maintain and strengthen the ties of kinship. Forbids severing blood relations. Obedience and obedience to parents have been urged. Introduced inheritance of property in cases of blood kinship. Donations gave priority to relatives over non-relatives in charity and charity. Ordered to protect one's family, home and wealth from the enemy. asked to fight against Jalem and conferred the status of the martyr on the person killed in such a fight. In all aspects of life, it taught compassion, kindness and kindness to all people irrespective of caste and religion. There is no scope for interpreting any of its rules to the effect that Islam forbids contributing to the service and defense of the homeland, the nation, or compromise and peaceful coexistence with non-Muslim neighbors.
[It should be noted that there are two sides to the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. One aspect is that as humans we and they are equal. The second aspect is that the differences between Islam and Kufr have separated us from them. On the first point, we will continue to treat them with sympathy, generosity, kindness and all manners of courtesy. Because it is the demand of humanity. And if they are not active enemies of Islam and Muslims, then we will make friends, compromise and coexistence with them. We will not hesitate to cooperate with them in joint welfare work. But no material or worldly, social and human joint and collective action can unite us with them in such a way that we too become one nation and abandon the Islamic nationality and adopt a collective Indian, Chinese or Egyptian nationality. Because the second aspect of our relationship prevents such integration. In fact, it is absolutely impossible for infidels and Muslims to become one nation.]
These are the legitimate and natural benefits of these materials and material relations. But what makes Islam and Kufir's policy different about nationality is that others have created different nationalities based on these relationships, but Islam did not accept them as the basis of any nationality. He places the bond of faith above all these relationships and demands that each of these relationships is sacrificed for the sake of faith. They said:
"There was an example for you in Ibrahim and his companions. They told their nation in clear terms, We have no relationship with you and with those whom you worship other than Allah. We have rejected you and between us and you there is eternal enmity - until you believe." [Surah Al Mumtahina: 4]
He says more!
"If your father and brother love disbelief more than faith, then do not accept them as your loved ones. Those who take them as loved ones will be treated as oppressors.” [Surah At-Tauba: 23]
Islam also says:
"Some of your wives and children are your enemies [in the eyes of Islam] so beware of them." [Surah Attagaboon: 14]
He said, if there is a conflict between your religion and your motherland, leave your motherland for the sake of religion. A person who does not emigrate for the sake of patriotism is a hypocrite. You have nothing to do with him.
"Do not accept them as friends until they emigrate." [Surah An-Nisa: 89]
Thus even the closest blood ties are severed due to the schism between Islam and Kufr. Mother, father, siblings, sons and daughters all get crossed just because they are against Islam. The tribe of the same origin is also abandoned for being enemies of Allah. Due to the ongoing conflict between Islam and Kufr, one's homeland is also abandoned. In short, Islam cannot be sacrificed for anything over all things in the world. Note the other side as well. For those who are not even related by blood, whose homeland is not the same, language is not the same and those who are not the same color, Islam makes them brothers. Addressing all Muslims, the Qur'an says:
“All of you hold fast to the rope of Allah in unison. Do not indulge in differences and conflicts with each other. Remember the favor of Allah upon you, that you were enemies to one another, then He created friendship and harmony in your hearts towards one another, and by His grace, you became brothers to one another [by virtue of Islam]. You stood on the edge of the pit filled with fire [because of mutual hatred]. Allah has saved you from that.” [Surah Al Imran: 103]
It is said about all non-Muslims:
"If they repent from disbelief, perform prayer and pay zakat, then they are your religious brothers."
And the Muslims are introduced thus:
"Muhammad is the Messenger of God. And those who are companions are steadfast before the disbelievers and kind to one another.” [Surah Al Fatah: 29]
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
"To fight with people until they bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah until they turn their faces towards our Qibla, eat our sacrificed animals and pray as we do." I have been instructed. Whenever they do these things, their blood and wealth will be forbidden to us, but if it is made lawful for the sake of justice and justice, then it is a different matter. After that their rights and duties are the same as the rights and duties of other Muslims.” [Abu Dawood]
Not only that all Muslims are equal in rights and duties, but there is no room for any differences or differences. Rather, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said:
“The relation of Muslim to Muslim is like the different parts of a wall. Each part derives power from the other parts.” [Mishkat]
He also said:
“Mutual compassion, sympathy and kindness are the conditions of the Muslims in the south as a single body. Just as if one part of the body suffers pain, sleep and peace of the whole body are destroyed, so is their condition." [Mishkat]
This body of the Muslim nation was referred to by the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, as "Jama'at" and about this Jama'at he said:
"Allah's hand is over the congregation. Whoever separates from the Jamaat will go to the Fire.”
"Whoever deviates from the Jama'at even by an insignificant amount, it is as if the rope of Islam has been untied from his neck."
It does not end here. He also said:
"Kill whoever tries to divide your Jamaat."
He also said:
"Whoever tries to break the bonds of this Ummah, strike him with the sword, whoever he may be."
How was the Islamic nation created?
There was no difference in blood, soil, language and caste within this Jamaat or party organized only on the basis of Islam. Here was Eramen Samalma. When someone asked him about his father's identity, he used to say that I am Salman, the son of Islam. Hazrat Ali Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu used to say about him, "Salman appointed us, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Hazrat Bazan as the ruler of Yaman and his son as the ruler of Sana'a." Bilal, a native of Abyssinia, was also in this congregation. Hazrat Omar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu used to say about him: “Bilal is the servant of our master and Amaden is the master.” Sohaib, a resident of Rome, was also a member of this Jamaat. Hazrat Umar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu made him stand in his place in the imamate of prayer. Hazrat Abu Huzaifa Ghulam Salem also belonged to this organization. About him, Hazrat Umar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu said at the time of his death that if Salem was alive I would have nominated him as the third Caliph. In this congregation, there was also a slave called Zayd bin Haresa, to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married his cousin bin Zainab Radiyallahu Taalaa Anha. Hazrat Zaid's son Usama Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu was another notable personality of this Jamaat. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam appointed this Usamah Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu as the commander of the army, who joined as soldiers like Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu, Hazrat Umar Farooq Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu and Hazrat Abu Ubaydah Ibnul Jarrah. Hazrat Umar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu once said to his son Abdullah Ibn Umar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu, "Usama's father is better than your father and Usama himself is better than you."

The ideal character of Muhajers

This great organization under the leadership of Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam destroyed the idols worshiped in the name of the clan, homeland, language and caste, etc., which started from primitive ignorance and continued in the age of modern ignorance, with the ax of Islam. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam himself left his native Mecca and migrated to Madinah with his companions. This does not mean that he and the Muhajirs did not have the natural love that people have for their motherland. He said when leaving Mecca! “O Makkah, you are the most beloved place on earth to me. But what's the way, your people won't let me stay here." When Hazrat Bilal fell ill in Madinah, he remembered everything in Makkah. The following lines of poetry he recited are still famous today:
“Oh, if only I knew, if I could ever spend the night in a place called Fakh, where by my side the sweet-scented Azahar grass and baboon plants would adorn. And may I ever be present at the Ghat of Mazatar [name of the place], from which the mountain called Shama and the place called Tofael can be seen.”
But still, their patriotism could not stop them from leaving their country for the sake of Islam. ["Patriotism is a part of faith" There is a fabricated hadith of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. In fact, there is no such authentic hadith narrated from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.]

Example of the Ansar

On the other hand, the people of Madinah welcomed the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Muhajirs. They offered their lives and property to the service of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. This is why Hazrat Aisha Radiyallahu Tayala Anha said, “Madinah was conquered by the Qur’an.” When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) declared the Ansar and the Muhajir as brothers, they became such brothers that they inherited each other's inheritance for a long time. Finally, Allah Ta'ala declared:
"Blood relatives are more entitled to inheritance than each other."
He stopped this inheritance by revealing this verse. The Ansar divided their fields and gardens half and a half and gave them to their Muhaj brothers. Even when the lands of Banunazir were taken over by the Jewish tribes, they said to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, "Give these lands to our brothers of Muhaj." In praise of this sacrifice and sacrifice, Allah Ta'ala says:
"They put others first despite being needy themselves."
When the covenant of religious brotherhood was concluded between Hazrat Abdullah ibn Awf Radiyallahu Ta'ala Anhu and Hazrat Sa'd bin Rabia Ansari, Hazrat Sa'd gave half of the property to his religious brothers and was ready to divorce one of his wives and marry him. went After the Risalat period, when the Muhajirs began to decorate the post of caliphate one after another, no one from Madinah said that, by what right are you outsiders ruling our country? Even when Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the second Caliph Umar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu allocated land to the Muhajirs around Madinah. Still, no Ansari even uttered the word Two.
Sacrifice worldly relations for Islamic relations
In the Battle of Badr and the Battle of Uhud, the Muhajirs from Makka fought with their relatives for Islam. Hazrat Abu Bakr Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu raised the sword on his son Abdur Rahman. Huzaifa attacked his father Abu Huzaifa. Hazrat Umar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu killed his maternal uncle. The Prophet's uncle Abbas, cousin Aqeel and son-in-law Abul As were captured at Badr and kept like common prisoners. Hazrat Omar Radiyallahu Tayala Anhuto was ready to kill all the prisoners and proposed that every Muslim should kill his close relatives with his own hands.
During the conquest of Makkah, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) attacked his homeland with people from different tribes and regions and killed some of the Makkans at the hands of outsiders. A person will attack his tribe and his motherland with the people of another tribe, and that too not for the purpose of taking revenge or recovering the resources due to the land but simply for the sake of truth and ideology. It was completely unimaginable to the Arab people at that time. When the hooligans of Quraysh and other tribes began to die, Abu Sufyan pleaded, “O Messenger! The young generation of Quraysh is being killed. If this continues, the name of the Quraysh clan will not be a target after today." Hearing this, the kind Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, immediately gave security to the people of Makkah. The Ansar thought that the Messenger of God was leaning toward his tribe. Some of them said: "The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is a human being. You will show kindness towards your own tribe." These words reached the ears of the Messenger of Allah. He gathered the Ansar and said! “The love of my tribe never attracted me. I am the servant and messenger of Allah. I have migrated to you for the sake of Allah. Now my life and death will be with you.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) confirmed what he had said word for word. The reason for which he migrated, after the conquest of Makkah, that reason no longer remained. But still, he did not stay in Makkah, this also proves that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam did not attack Makkah with any vindictive attitude or passion to recover the motherland, rather his intention was only to win the word of Allah and His Deen.
Later, when the lands and resources of the Hawazain and Saqif tribes came under the possession of the Muslims, the same misunderstanding arose again. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave most of the booty to the non-Muslims of Quraysh. Some young Ansars thought that these things were being done to please the people of their tribe. They were angry and said! "Forgive the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He gave to the Quraysh and deprived us. Yet their blood is still flowing from our swords.” On learning this, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, called them together again and said:
"I am giving them more because they have accepted the new Islam. My intention is only to please their minds. Are you not happy that they should take the wealth of the world, and you should take the Messenger of Allah?”
In the Battle of Banul Mostaliq, a dispute broke out between a Muslim from the Giffari tribe and another Muslim youth from the Awfi tribe. At one point of excitement, Giffari slapped Aofi and sat down. At this, Awfi called the Ansar for help, and Giffari called the Mohajerde. There was fear of armed conflict between the two sides. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, called both parties and said, "What kind of ignorant shouting have you indulged in?" The Companions said, "A Muhajar has beaten an Ansari." The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, "So do not call out by the name of the tribe according to the custom of Jahiliyyah." It is a very despicable practice.”
Abdullah Ibn Ubayy, the famous nationalist leader of Medina, also participated in this battle. When he heard that Muhaj's side killed the Ansa's side, he said to anger the Ansa's side! "These Mohajers have come to our country and become banana trees with finger blossoms. Now it is raising its head in front of us. They are like the proverbial dog that was fattened up by feeding so that it could devour its master. By God, after returning to Madinah, the powerful among us will drive out the weak from there.” Then he said to the Ansar: "Would it have prevented you from giving them shelter in their own country and distributing their wealth to them?" By Allah, if you stop helping them today, they will just eat air.” When these words came to the ears of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, he told his son Hazrat Abdullah that your father is saying these things. Hazrat Abdullah loved his father so much, he used to say proudly that no son of Khazraj tribe loved his father like him. But hearing this incident, he said to the Messenger of God, "O Messenger of God! You ordered to cut off his head at once." The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: No. However, after returning to Madinah from the war, Hazrat Abdullah stood before his father with an open sword and said, "I will not allow you to enter Madinah until the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gives permission." You said, the powerful will drive the weak out of Madinah. Now you will know that all glory and honor belongs only to Allah and His Messenger." In this situation, Ibn Ubayy began to scream saying, "O Khazraj tribe! Look, my son does not allow me to enter the house." The common Muslims came and explained a lot to Hazrat Abdullah. But he said: "He cannot take shelter even under the shade of Madinah without the permission of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace." Finally, when the people came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and reported the incident, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: "Tell Abdullah to let his father enter the house." Abdullah heard this order and left the sword and said,! "He may go when the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, commands." [For a detailed account of this incident, see Ibn Jarir's Tafseer (Volume 28, pp. 66-70).]
When the Jewish tribe called Banu Qainuka was attacked, Hazrat Ubadah Ibnus Samit was accepted as Shalish in their case. He ordered the entire Jewish tribe to be expelled from Medina. The tribe of Banu Qainuka was the ally of Khazraj, the tribe of Hazrat Ubada. But he did not care about this relationship. Similarly, Hazrat Sa'd bin Maya'z is considered Shalish regarding Banu Qurayzah. Sa'd bin Maya, the chieftain of the tribe of Aws, ordered that all the men of Banu Qurayza should be killed, all women and children should be taken as prisoners of war and all their wealth confiscated as booty. In this regard, he did not pay any attention to the long-standing alliance between the Banu Qurayza and the Aws tribe. But everyone knows the importance of friendship in Arab society at that time. Moreover, the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza was the neighbor of the Ansar in Madinah for hundreds of years.

Islamic nationalism is the real-life force

From the mentioned examples, it is clearly known that race, caste, language and place of residence have no contribution at all in the construction of Islamic nationality. The builder who completed the construction of this palace, his thoughts and plans are different and novel from the thoughts of the whole world. He looked at the raw materials of the entire human world and selected from where he found the best and strongest spices. The thing that binds these separate parts together is the strong lime of righteous deeds and pure character. In this way he created a palace of worldly nationalities, which spanned the whole world. In order to sustain this vast palace permanently, all its parts, regardless of caste, clan, source of origin and residence, must forget their separate sources of origin and remember only one source. Forgetting our different castes, we should be delighted in one color and forget our different abodes and enter the abode of one truth. This ideological unity is the soul of this Shisha Dhalla Ganthuni. If this unity is broken, if the parts of the Islamic ideal nation develop a sense of diversity in their places of origin, diversity of race and lineage, diversity of their residence and birth place, diversity of color and shape of their bodies and their own worldly aims and goals, then within the walls of this palace It will crack, its foundation will shake and all its parts will crumble and crumble. As it is not possible to have more than one empire in one empire or more than one state in one state, it is not possible to create several nationalities within one nationality. It is not possible to create some nationalities within Islamic nationalities. The assembly of different nationalities based on caste, clan, language and region within the Islamic nation is absolutely impossible. Either of these two types of nationalities can remain in Turkey. In the words of Allama Iqbal:
"The garb of nationality based on caste, clan, language and domicile etc. is a shroud for Islamic nationality." So a person who is a Muslim and wants to remain a Muslim, must reject the spirit of nationalities other than Islamic nationality and sever ties of soil and blood. The one who wants to maintain these relations, we will understand that Islam has not entered into his heart and soul. Ignorance still dominates his mind. Today or tomorrow, he will reject Islam and Islam will reject him:

The last advice of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

The thing that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was most concerned about in the last part of his life was whether ignorance-like sectarianism, discrimination and aristocracy on the basis of language, caste, clan and land would rise up in the Muslims, and because of that, the world palace of Islamic nationhood would be destroyed. Does it go? Feeling this apprehension, he repeatedly said:
"After me, do not engage in disbelief and start fighting with each other." [Bukhari]
Addressing the common Muslims in his Arafat speech, he said:
"Listen, all the things of ignorance are under my feet today. There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab and a non-Arab over an Arab, you are all children of Adam and Adam was made of clay. Muslims are brothers to Muslims and all Muslims are brothers to each other. All claims of ignorance are nullified. Now your lives, wealth and honor are forbidden to each other just as today is this month and this city is forbidden to you.”
Then he went to Meena and repeated this speech with more emphasis and added this word!
"Look, do not go back astray after me and kill one another. Soon you will meet your Lord and you will be called to account for your deeds. Listen, even if a black-nosed Abyssinian is made your Ameer and he guides you according to the Book of Allah, then listen to him and obey him.”
After saying this, he asked, "Have I given you the law of Allah?" The assembled people said: Yes, O Messenger! Then he said! "O God! You be a witness.” He said to the people, "Those who are present, convey this message of mine to those who are absent." [Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Hisham in Seerah]
Returning from Hajj, Ohad went to the Martyrs' Cemetery and said to the assembled Muslims:
I do not fear that after me you will indulge in idolatry, I only fear that you may be engrossed in the lusts of the world and be at war with one another. If you do, you will be destroyed as the previous nations were destroyed.

The most serious threat to Islam

The dire danger of which the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, had been apprehensive, actually materialized and proved to be as devastating as he had predicted it would be. All the calamities that have befallen Islam and Muslims from the first century to today are due to this. Only a few years after the death of the Messenger, the Hashemite and Umawi sectarianism saw a resurgence of fierce conflict and forever disrupted the original political system and infrastructure of Islam. Then Arab, non-Arab and Turkic regional and linguistic nationalism re-emerged and destroyed the political unity of Islam. This same delusional doctrine was active in the destruction of the Muslim empires that were established in different countries afterward. The two largest Muslim empires in recent times were India and Turkey. These two empires were destroyed by geographical, tribal, racial and linguistic nationalism. Mutual enmity between Mughals and Indians in India and Turkic, Arab and Kurdish conflict in Turkey led to the collapse of the empire.

Read the entire history of Islam. Wherever you see a powerful Muslim empire, its foundation is built on the blood of different races, regardless of race. The rulers, generals, writers, and soldiers of those empires were all people of different regions and different languages, clans and castes. You will find the people of Iraq in Africa, the people of Syria in Iran and the people of Afghanistan in India engaged in the earnest service of the Muslim governments with the same honesty, devotion, and loyalty, with which they used to serve the government of their own country. Muslim empires and states were never dependent on any one country or one species for their manpower. Skilled hands and gifted brains were gathered from all over the Muslim rulers. They considered every Muslim country as their country. But when dangerous tendencies like selfishness, self-centeredness, nationalism and sectarianism rose to the fore and caste and land-based discrimination and narrow-mindedness arose among the Muslims, instead of the liberal sense of brotherhood of Islam, they started hating and envious of each other. Factions, strife and conspiracies spread, and the energy that was used against the enemies of Islam began to be used against each other. At one point, civil war broke out among the Muslims and the Muslim powers were wiped out from the world.

Blind imitation of the West

Learning from the West, Muslims of all countries today are raising the voice of tribal, geographical, linguistic and caste-based nationalism. Arabs are proud of their Arabian culture and heritage. The Egyptians remember their pharaohs. The Turks are so obsessed with their Turkic heritage that they are associating themselves with Genghis and Halaku Khan. Iranians are saying in the passion of being Iranian that our real national heroes were Rustom and Isfandiyar. But Arab imperialism forcefully made Hussain Radiyallahu Anhu and Ali Radiyallahu Tayala Anhu our heroes. Muslims are also born in India and are eager to associate themselves with Indian nationalism. There are also Muslims who want to sever their connection with the water of Yama and become devotees of the water of the Ganges. There are people who want to make Bhima and Arjuna their national heroes. There are also Muslims who do not even remember Makta Medina but are anxious day and night to establish links with Taxila, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. But these things are happening only because these stupid people do not even know their own civilization. Didn't even know western civilization. Both civilizations have secret theories and facts hidden behind their eyes. They are merely outward-looking. Those lines which outwardly seem more spectacular and startling to their eyes, they fall upon. They do not know at all that what is nectar for the Western nation is poison for the Islamic nation. In the western world, nationalities based on race, color, language and homeland are established. Therefore, everyone is bound to avoid people of a different tribe, different races and different languages, even if that person is only a mile away from his border. Their people of one race cannot be loyal members of another race. No nation can trust people of a different race to put their interests ahead of their own. But the opposite is true of Islamic nationality. Here nationality is based on faith and work and character instead of land and lineage. Muslims all over the world are allies and sharers in happiness and sorrow – regardless of their ethnic identity. An Indian Muslim can be a loyal citizen of India as well as a loyal citizen of Egypt. As an Afghan himself can fight his life for Afghanistan, he can also fight for the defense of Syria. Therefore, there is no reason to discriminate between the Muslims of one country and the Muslims of another country on the basis of geographical and racial differences. In this regard, the principles of Islam and racial differences have no reason to discriminate. In this regard, the principle of Islam is completely opposite to the principle of the West. What is strength there, is a weakness here. What here is life-energizing, there is life-destroying chaos. In the words of Allama Iqbal:
"Don't compare your nation with western nations. The structure of this nation built by the hands of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is different. Nationhood in the West depends on race and country, but your nationhood is strengthened by the power of religion.”
Many are under the misconception that the bond of Islamic nationality can remain intact among Muslims even after the consciousness of geographical or tribal nationality has been awakened. That is why they are indulging in the self-deception that these two types of nationalities will coexist. They believe that if the two go hand in hand, one will not be harmed by the other, rather we will benefit from both. But this idea is simply the product of ignorance and inadequate thought. Just as Allah did not place two hearts in one bouquet. Nor did he leave room to unite in the same heart the contradictory and conflicting passions of the two nationalities. The inevitable result of the feeling of nationality is its subsequent division and discrimination. A self-evident demand of the spirit of Islamic nationality is that Muslims should be considered as one and non-Muslims as others. And the natural claim of country-based or clan-based nationalism is that you consider the natives and natives as your own and the foreigners and people of different clans or clans as a second. In such a situation, how these two feelings or consciousness can be gathered together in the same place, let some intelligent explain. How is it possible that you consider a non-Muslim foreigner as your own, think about it and avoid a foreign Muslim and become close to him? Can these two be combined at all? My question to those who have such retrograde thoughts, is there not one of you sane people?
So it should be well understood that awakening the feeling of being Indian, Turkish, Afghan, Arab, Iranian etc. among Muslims will mean the destruction of the feeling of Islamic nationality and the fragmentation of Islamic unity. This is not only a logical conclusion but its practical examples have been observed many times. Whenever discrimination and hatred on the basis of land or country or race among Muslims is raised, Muslims are bound to cut their throats at the hands of Muslims and "After me you do not return to disbelief and engage in killing each other" this fear of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, has come true. So if the advocates of Janmabhoomi or patriotism are to continue to promote this thing, it would be better for them not to deceive themselves and the world. Rather, whatever you do, do it knowing that the call for homeland-centered nationality is not the call of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, but the complete opposite.

2. The real significance of Islamic nationality

In recent times the word 'Qawm' or caste has been widely used for the community of Muslims. The term has practically come into play to describe our collective condition in general. But it is a fact that neither the Qur'an nor the Hadith has used the word 'Qawm' [or any other word for the nation] as a term for Muslims. But it is also true that some quarters have tried to achieve their own illegal purposes from this situation. However, I will briefly discuss the disadvantages of this term, which is why it is not accepted in Islam, and which alternative terms are used in the Qur'an and Hadith. This is not a mere theoretical discussion, rather it will clarify some of the ideas that have led our lives on a fundamentally wrong path.
The word "Qawm" and its equivalent English word "Nation" or Jati are primarily un-Islamic terms derived from the ideology of Jahiliyyah. The bearers and founders of the Jahili social system never established "Qawmiat" or [Nationality] on a pure cultural basis [Cultural Basis]. Neither in the age of ancient ignorance nor in the age of modern ignorance. Family and traditional ties were ingrained in their minds to such an extent that they could never free the concept of nationhood from racial ties and ancient traditions. Just as in ancient Arabia the word 'Qawm' generally meant a descent or a tribe, so even today the attitude expressed by the word "Nation" inevitably includes the idea of ​​a single generation or Common Descent. And since this is fundamentally against the concept of Islamic nationhood, the Qur'an does not apply the term "Qawm" and other Arabic equivalents to Muslims. It goes without saying that caste, clan, country and other such things had no hand in uniting the human group, which was organized only on the basis of an ideal and a way of life, and which was the beginning of emigration, severing of clan ties and otherworldly ties. Through, how or will such words be used for him?
The word used in the Qur'an for the collective entity of Muslims is "Hizb" or party. 'Qawm' or nation originates from birth and descent. But the party is formed on the basis of ideals and principles. In this respect, Muslims are actually not a race but a group. Because they are united with each other individuals from all over the world only because they believe in and follow a certain principle and ideal. And those who do not believe in and follow these principles and ideals, although they are tied to them by the closest earthly kinship, are not their own and have nothing in common with them. According to the Qur'an, there are only two groups of human settlements in the world! One group of God is Hezbollah, and the other is the group of Satan, Hezbollah Satan. Whatever differences there may be in the faction of Satan on matters of policy and ideals, the Qur'an regards them all as belonging to the same faction. Because their way of thinking and doing is not Islam anyway and they all agree about obedience to Shaytaan despite their differences in details. Quran says:
“Satan has prevailed over them. So he made them heedless and heedless of Allah. They are Satan's party. Know that Satan's party will ultimately fail." [Surah Al Mujadala: 19]

On the other hand, when the people of Allah's party have agreed and united to accept the rules of thought and action taught by Allah, then they have actually become members of Allah's party, bound together by the divine cord, and as soon as they enter this new party, they have severed all ties with Satan, even if they were born with any No matter their origin, any country, any language, and any historical tradition, no matter how many differences they may have with each other in these matters, even if there is extreme enmity between their fathers and grandfathers.
The factional and ideological differences that occur when one belongs to the group of Allah and the other to the group of Satan, break the relationship between father and son. Even the son is deprived of his father's inheritance. The hadith clearly states:
"Followers of two religions do not inherit each other."
This difference in party and ideology separates the wife from her husband. Even as soon as there is a difference, an association between the two becomes forbidden. The only reason for this is that both have different ways of living. The Qur'an says:
"Wives are not lawful for husbands, and husbands are not lawful for wives." [Surah Mumtahina: 10]
This diversity of parties creates a situation of complete social boycott among people of the same family and clan or tribe. It is even forbidden for a person from the group of Allah to marry a person from his tribe and clan who is from the group of Satan. The Qur'an says:
"Do not marry polytheist women until they believe. A believing slave is better than a polytheist free woman, no matter how good she may be to you. And do not marry your daughters to polytheist men until they believe. A believing slave is better than a polytheist free man, however desirable he may be to you.” [Surah Al Baqarah: 221]
This diversity of the party not only breaks the geographical and tribal ties but also creates a perpetual conflict and controversy between the two and this conflict persists until those outside the party of Allah accept the ideals and policies of the party. The Quran says:
“In Ibrahim and his companions, there is a good example for you. They said to their [native] people, We have no relationship with you and with those whom you worship besides Allah. We have severed ties with you and enmity between us and you will remain forever until you believe in One God. But there is no precedent in Ibrahim's saying to his unbelieving father, 'I pray for your forgiveness. [Surah Muhtahina: 4]
"Ibrahim's supplication for the forgiveness of his father's sins was to fulfill a promise he had previously made to his father. But when it became clear to him that his father was an enemy of Allah, he turned back from that prayer.” [Surah At-Tauba: 114]
This diversity of groups prohibits amicable relations between members of the same family and among the closest relatives. Even if the father, brother or son also belongs to the group of Satan, then if the members of the group of Allah are in love with him, it will be considered that they are betraying their group. The Qur'an says:
"You will never find a group that believes in Allah and the Hereafter and has allegiance to the enemies of Allah and His Messenger, whether they are their fathers, sons, brothers or close relatives. ….. These are the people of the party of Allah and know that it is the party of Allah that will ultimately prosper.” [Surah Mujadala: 22]
Another term used by Al-Qur'an for Muslims is 'Ummah' and it is also a supporter of 'Dal' or 'Hizb'. This word is also used in hadith. Ummah is a group or association formed for a particular purpose. Those who share equally in a particular matter are also called Ummah. For example, the people of a particular era are called 'Ummah'. The inhabitants of a particular country and a generation are also called Ummah. In what Muslims are called the Ummah for equal participation, it is not a generation, a homeland or an economic goal but the purpose of their lives and the principles and ideals of their party. The Quran says:
"You are the best Ummah, who have been created for the welfare of mankind. You enjoin good deeds, forbid evil deeds, and believe in Allah." [Surah Ale Imran: 110]
"Thus have I made you a moderate ummah, that you may be guardians of mankind and the Messenger may be your guardian." [Surah Al Baqarah: 143]
Think about the above verses. By "moderate Ummah" meant that "Muslim" is the name of an International Party. This group is formed by selecting those people from all the nations of the world who are ready to adhere to a particular ideal and principle, implement a particular program and fulfill a particular mission or vow. Since these people come out of all nations and have no affiliation with any other nation after joining one group, they are the middle ummah. But after severing relations with every nation, they have established another relation with all nations, and that is, they have to introduce God's law in the world. "You are the guardians of mankind" means that Muslims are the guards appointed by Allah in the world of Allah. The words "ordained for the welfare of mankind" clearly state that the mission of the Muslims is the mission of the whole world. A brief summary of this mission is that the rules of thought and action which Allah gave to the leader of the party of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, must be implemented in the world by applying all mental, moral and material forces and to defeat and defeat all other principles, ideals and laws against him. will be This is the task that Muslims as Ummah has been formed to perform.
A third term often used to describe the collective status and rank of Muslims is "Jama'at". It is synonymous with a group or party like the word 'Hizb'. A review of many hadiths suggests that the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, deliberately refrained from using the words 'Qawm' or Shayab [nation] or similar meanings, and instead used the term 'Jama'at' as the term. He never said, "Always be with 'the people" or "Allah's hand is on the people." Rather, he used the word 'Jamaat' in every such word. The only reason for this is that 'Jamaat', 'Hizb' and 'Ummah' [i.e. party or party] are more useful than 'Qawm' [or nation] to understand the type of organization or socialization of Muslims. According to the sense in which the word 'community' is generally used, a person can always belong to a community or nation, irrespective of any ideal, or principle, if he is born in that community or nation and gives his name, life In terms of lifestyle and social relations, they are connected to that tribe or nation. But if we look at the meaning of the words Jamaat, Hizb, or Party, it is clear that only principles or ideals are the real criteria for not joining a party or party. You can never stay at a party once you deviate from its principles and ideals. Can't even use the name of that party. He cannot be his representative, nor can he act as a guardian of his interests. You cannot have any cooperative relationship with the people of that party. If you say, I don't agree with the principles and ideals of the party, but my parents were members of this party and my name is similar to the names of members of this party. So I and party members should have equal rights. Then your argument will be so ridiculous that the audience will be left wondering whether you are right or out of your mind. But replace party money with nation money. After that, these words will no longer seem like nonsense, and there will be an opportunity to speak these words.
Issam ordered the members of his international group to intermarry among themselves to form a single society by creating unity and solidarity among their members and equality and harmony in their interrelationships and behavior. At the same time, he directed such a system of education for their children that they would develop themselves as followers of the principles and ideals of the party. The strength of the party will continue to grow through promotion as well as breeding. From here the process of transformation of this party into a nation started. Later socialized living together, ethnic relations and historical continuity and tradition strengthened this nationality.
Everything that has happened so far has gone well. [There was nothing wrong with an idealist party evolving into a nation in the normal social process.] But gradually the Muslims began to forget the fact that they were actually an idealist party and it was as a party that the basis of their nationhood was laid. This fallacy gradually increased to such an extent that the party ideology was completely dissolved in the ideology of nationality. At this stage, the Muslims have reduced to just one nation, just like the Germans, the Japanese and the English are one nation. They have forgotten that the principles and ideals on which Islam made them an Ummah are the real things. The most important thing is the duty or mission for which Islam organized its followers as a group or party. Forgetting this fact, they adopted the ignorant concept of nationality from non-Muslim nations. This is such a fundamental error and its evils are so widespread that it is not possible to advance even a single step in the revival of Islam until this error is removed.
Any mutual love, help and cooperation among the members of a group is not due to personal or family reasons but only due to belief and adherence to the same principles and ideals. If any member of the party violates the ideals and principles of the party, then it is not the duty of the party to help him, in addition, it is the duty of the party to prohibit him from such treacherous and rebellious activities. Strict action should be taken against him as per the party code of conduct if he violates the ban. If he still does not comply, he should be expelled from the party. There are also instances in the world where a person who seriously opposes party principles and ideals are killed. [This is why apostates or apostates are punished with death in Islam. The Russian socialists used to punish those who abandoned socialism. For details read: “Punishment of Apostates in Islam” by Maulana Abul A'la Maududi. -Editor] But look at the situation of Muslims, that they are indulging in fatal delusion, thinking of themselves as a race, i.e., a human group organized by birth, instead of an idealistic group. When one of them acts according to un-Islamic customs for his own benefit, other Muslims expect him to help him. And if they don't help, they express their anger that Muslims are not useful to Muslims. Those who intercede do so in the language that a Muslim brother will benefit, you help him. Those who help call their work Islamic solidarity. The words of Islamic solidarity, Islamic brotherhood, religious relations of Islam, etc. are uttered on everyone's lips. But actually citing Islam for doing anti-Islamic work and asking for sympathy and sympathy in its name is absolutely futile. If such activities in the name of Islam were alive among the Muslims, then the Islamic Ummah would be doing something against the Islamic ideals, as soon as they came to know about it, they would have put up a fierce resistance against him and given him repentance. It is far from asking anyone for help, in a living Islamic society no one can even mention any anti-Islamic activities. But these things are happening day and night in our society. The only reason for this is that our middle Jahili concept of nationality has been born. What you call Islamic brotherhood is actually the bonds of Jahili nationality borrowed from non-Muslims.
One of the achievements of this ignorance is that it has given birth to a strange concept of “national interest” among the Muslim masses. They unhesitatingly call this thing "Islamic interest". What is this so-called national interest or Islamic interest? It is only that those who are known as "Muslims" may be well-being, that they may have great wealth, that their dignity and prestige may increase, that power may come to them, and in short, that they may gain worldly prosperity in some way or the other. It does not matter to them that these interests and welfare are achieved through obedience or opposition to Islamic ideals and principles. We always call Muslims by birth or hereditary Muslims as Muslims, even if we do not find any Islamic qualities in their thoughts and actions. This means, for us, Muslims are not the name of the soul, but only the name of the body. Someone can be called a Muslim regardless of whether they have the virtues and ideas of Islam. Due to this misconception, we call the bodies which we have named Muslims, their governments as Islamic governments, their progress as the progress or progress of Islam and their interests as Islamic interests, even if that government and that progress and interests are completely Islamic. Just as German nationalism is not the name of a principle or ideal, but merely the name of nationality, and as a German nationalist wants the rise and superiority of the Germans, by whatever means, so we also want "Muslimness" for the prosperity and prosperity of our nation. Prosperity whether in principle or in practice is by following a completely anti-Islamic approach. Is it not ignorance? In fact, Muslims are the name of an international group working with a special doctrine and practical program for the welfare of the entire human race, have we not completely forgotten? How can the actions of those who act according to some other ideology and program be called "Islamic" only in their personal and collective dignity after isolating that ideology and program? Who ever heard that a person who works on the basis of capitalist principles and ideals is called a socialist? Does anyone call the capitalist government a socialist government? Does anyone call the fascist administration a democratic administration? If someone misuses such terms, you may feel no qualms about calling him a fool. But here we see that the terms Islam and Muslim are being misapplied. But no one feels the smell of stupidity or ignorance.
The word Muslim itself reveals that it is not a racial name but an adjective. It cannot mean anything other than being a follower of Islam. The special mental, moral and practical quality of man is called "Islam", the word Muslim expresses that quality. So the word Hindu, Japanese or Chinese is used for a Hindu, Japanese or Chinese person, the word Muslim cannot be used for a Muslim person. Whenever a person with the name Muslim deviates from Islamic principles and ideals, then the Muslimness automatically goes away from him. Whatever he does thereafter, he does in his personal dignity. He has no right to use the name of Islam. Similarly, "Muslim interests", "Muslim prosperity and prosperity", "Muslim government and state", "Muslim cabinet", and "Muslim organization" and such words can be used only in those cases where these things ie interest, development, government, state, etc. are Islamic. Will follow the principles and ideals and will be favorable to the success of the objectives and goals that Islam has brought. Otherwise, it is not consistent to use the word Muslim or Muslim with any of them. [The interests and welfare of Muslims are basically not an unjust matter. But that which is against Islam cannot have any interest and welfare for Muslims. That's why everything should be tested on the hard stone of Islam to know which ones are beneficial and which ones are harmful to Muslims. [Compiler] In that case these things can be named Khushi, but Muslims or Muslims can never be named. Because Muslim or Islam is nothing at all without the qualities or characteristics of Islam. When no individual or nation can be a socialist without socialism when any interest without socialism is a socialist interest, no government or organization can be called a socialist government and organization and no development can be called the development of socialists, then why is this idea held about only Muslims that Islamic qualities Whether or not Muslim can be a person or ethnic name and anything can be called Islam?

In fact, this misconception has fundamentally falsified our thinking and behavior about our civilization, culture and history. States and states which were formed on the basis of non-Islamic principles and ideals, we call "Islamic States" only because their rulers were Muslims. I do But it has not even the remotest connection with Islam.' When you are asked about Islamic civilization, you are quick to point fingers at the Taj Mahal in Agra, as if that is the most significant sign of Islamic civilization. However, building a multi-crore monument on which many acres of land are permanently allocated to bury a dead body is not an Islamic civilization at all. While describing the glorious memories of Islamic history, you highlight the exploits of Abbasids, Seljuks and Mughals. But from a true Islamic point of view, most of these feats deserve to be included in the list of crimes not in golden letters but in black ink. We have given the name of the history of Muslim Kings and Maharajas as “History of Islam”. The idea is that the name of those kings is Islam. Where we criticize and review our past history in the light of the aims and objectives of Islam and its principles and ideals and with full justice and honesty distinguish Islamic movements from non-Islamic movements, instead of supporting the character and style of governance of the Muslim rulers of the past, we are the followers of Islam. I think it is the service of history. The distortions and statements are created in our view only because we consider everything Muslim as “Islamic”, and we think that if a person with a Muslim name acts in un-Islamic ways, then his actions can be called the actions of a Muslim.

We have adopted this crooked perspective in our national politics. Without regard to the principles and ideals of Islam and its aims and objectives, we consider a nation to be a “Muslim nation” and permit any individual and any group to do whatever they wish in the name of that nation, on its behalf, or for it. Any person we accept as a representative or leader of Muslims who is associated with the “Muslim nation” must have no knowledge of poor Islam. If we think that we will get some benefit from being a follower of a group, no matter how much the purpose and goal of the group are contrary to the purpose and goal of Islam, we are ready to join that group. We are happy when there is a provision of one meal for Muslims in any way, even if it is food collected in a way that is haram in the eyes of Islam. When we hear that a Muslim person has come to power in a region, we lose ourselves in joy, even if he continues to abuse power for un-Islamic purposes just like a non-Muslim. We often call many things Islamic interests, which are actually anti-Islamic. We spend all our energy on maintaining institutions that are totally against Islamic ideals and principles and waste our money and national resources on activities that are not at all compatible with Islam. All these are the consequences of our one fundamental mistake. The mistake is that we have thought of ourselves as a mere "born nation" and have forgotten the fact that we are actually an "international idealist group" whose only purpose and only goal is to make the principles and ideals of this party dominant in the world. Until we can think of ourselves as a group of idealists instead of a nation formed by birth and we do not make this idea a living concept, our role will not be correct and accurate in any respect.
After the above article was published, many people expressed doubts that calling the "Islamic party" a "party" or "party" instead of a "nation" raised fears that it might become part of a country and nationality. Just as there are different political parties within a nation and each party has its own policies and ideals, all the parties belong to the larger group called the "nation". Similarly, if Muslims are a group or a party, they can also become a part of the nation living in their homeland.
As people generally take the word party to mean a political party, the above misunderstanding has arisen. But this is not its true meaning but arises from its being often used in a special sense. The real meaning of this word is that the name of a group of people united on a special creed, ideology, doctrine and purpose is Jamaat, or party. It is in this sense that the Qur'an uses the words "Hizb" and "Ummah". In this sense, the word "Jama'at" is used in the hadith and "party" also means this.
This Jamaat or party is again of two types. One is, in front of which there is a special doctrine and program of political action in view of the special conditions of a nation or country. Such Jamaat is a purely political party. Such groups formed within the nation can and do act as part of that nation.
The second type of group is that which emerges with a holistic doctrine and a world idea. Such groups have a universal ethos for all mankind, regardless of race or country. This group wants to build the whole life in a new way. These groups want to shape everything from their own ideologies and principles, creeds, beliefs, and moral principles to the details of personal behavior and social order. They are eager to build a completely independent culture and a distinct civilization [Civilization]. This country is basically a party or Jamaat. But it is not a group that can function as part of a nation. The position of this party is above the limited circle of nationalities. The goal of this party is that all kinds of nationalities are formed on the basis of tribal and traditional aristocracy, it has to be abolished. So how can he be incorporated into such a nationality? It builds an intellectual and idealistic nationality instead of caste, clan and history-based nationality, and builds an expanding nationality instead of stagnant nationality. Modal itself takes the form of a nationality, which is ready to embrace the entire human group of the world on the basis of intellectual and cultural unity. But even after becoming a nationality, it remains in reality a Jamaat or party. Because being included in it is not dependent on being a born member but on being a follower of the doctrines and ideals on which the party is formed.
Muslims are actually the name of this second type of group. It is not the kind of group that exists within a nation. It is the group that emerged to build a separate civilization and culture and wants to break the narrow circle of small nationalities and form a big and big world nationality [World Nationality]. Calling this group or Jamaat a “Jati” would undoubtedly be correct. Because he is not ready to associate himself with any of the nationalities based on caste, race and history of the world, he creates his own civilization and culture completely independently according to his own philosophy of life and social philosophy. But despite being a "nation" as another, it remains a "party" in reality. Because mere accident of birth is not capable of making a person its member unless he believes in and follows its ideals. Similarly, the birth of a person in another caste does not prevent him from leaving his own caste and entering this caste. If he is ready to accept the ideals of this nation. So what I have said, the essence of it is that the nationality of the Muslim nation is established on the basis of its being a group or Jamaat. Jamaat or group entity is its root and ethnic entity as its branch. If his group identity is severed from him and he remains as a mere race, it will be decline and extinct.
The real thing is that Islami Jamaat is a rare and novel organization in the history of human societies and organizations. Before Islam, Buddhism and Christianity addressed the entire human race, transcending the borders of nationalities, and sought to build a universal brotherhood based on one doctrine and ideal. But both these ideologies had no social and collective philosophy, apart from a few moral principles, on the basis of which an overall structure of civilization and culture could be built. Therefore, these two ideologies could not create a world nation, only a kind of brotherhood [Brotherhood]. After Islam, the scientific civilization of the West emerged, which wanted to make its call an international call. But from the first day of his birth, the specter of nationalism hung around his neck. Therefore, he was not able to build a world-class nationality. This time Marxian socialism has come forward. He wants to break the circle of small nationalities and build a world civilization. But since the new civilization he envisioned had not yet fully emerged, Marxism had not yet been transformed into a global nation. [Indeed, the seeds of nationalism have crept into Marxism as well. The ideology of Russian nationalism is gradually becoming evident in the activities of Stalin and his party. In Russian socialist literature, and even in the new constitution of 1936, there are references to the "fatherland" [питрибхуми]. But look at Islam, the word "Darul Islam" is mentioned everywhere. Not of Fatherland or Motherland.] So far Islam is the only principle and ideal in the field, which breaks the circle of tribal and historical nationalities and forms a world nation on a cultural basis. So for those who are not properly informed about the vitality of Islam, it becomes difficult to understand how the same collective structure can be both nation and group at the same time. Of all the nations of the world known to them, there is none of them whose members are not members by birth but must be members by choice. They find that a person who is Italian by birth is a member of the Italian nationality. And a person who is not Italian by birth cannot be Italian in any way. They do not recognize any nationality into which people enter on the basis of ideals and creeds and leave it when the ideals and creeds change. According to them, this characteristic may not belong to a nation, but to a party. But when they see that this novel group creates its own separate civilization and culture, claims its own separate nationality and does not agree to associate itself with the local caste, then the matter becomes an incomprehensible mystery to them.
Muslims are facing the same confusion as non-Muslims. Due to the non-Islamic education and living in a non-Islamic environment for ages, the concept of "historical nationality" i.e. birth and hereditary nationality have arisen among them. They have forgotten that Muslims are actually a group that appeared on earth to bring about a global revolution. The purpose of his life was to spread his ideals all over the world. And whose determination was to destroy the false collective system of the world and build a collective system based on its own social philosophy. Forgetting these things, they consider themselves just a race like other races. Now in their councils and meetings and in their journals and books, there is no discussion of this great aim and purpose of their collective life, which purpose and aim selected them from among the nations of the world and made them an Ummah or an international nation. Instead of these aims and objectives, the only thing that is now the focus of their attention is "the interests of the Muslims." Muslims are the offspring of Muslim parents and interest means the material and political interests of these hereditary Muslims. These interests ultimately include the preservation of ancestral culture. For the preservation and development of these interests, they rushed blindly to whatever strategy seemed profitable and effective, just as Mussolini was ready to adopt any course of action favorable to the interests of the Italians. They do not care about any ideals and morals, and neither did Mussolini. He used to say that what is good for Italians is good and just. This attitude is what I call the subjugation of Muslims. And to protest against this degradation, I feel it necessary to remind the Muslims that you are not a nation like hereditary and historical nations, but actually, a Jamaat and your liberation lies in inculcating Party sense within yourselves.
The evils of losing this Jamaat consciousness and self-indulgence are so great that it is difficult to put an end to them. Today's Muslims are instantly ready to follow every guide and imitate and follow every dogma and ideal. However, they do not even think that the leader and ideals are contrary to Islamic law and Islamic ideals. This is possible only because of Jamaat's lack of consciousness and self-forgetfulness. A Muslim does not hesitate to be a nationalist, not hesitate to be a fascist and not hesitate to be a communist. A variety of Western social philosophies and metaphysical schools of thought and theoretical doctrines can be found among Muslims. There is no political, social and cultural movement in the world in which some Muslims have not participated. Interestingly, they all claim to be Muslims, consider themselves Muslims and are recognized as Muslims by others. No one who wanders astray in these various ways remembers that “Muslim: is not a title or a title obtained by birth, but an adjective for being a true follower of Islam. Calling a person who follows any other doctrine instead of Islam a Muslim is a complete misuse of the term. Muslim communist, Muslim nationalist and other such terms are as contradictory terms as “communist moneylender” and “Buddhist butcher” etc.

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