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Dr. Zakir Naik: Open Question and answer section about Islam.


Dr. Zakir Naik: Open Question and answer section about Islam.
Full Name - Zakir Abdul Karim Naik
Born: 18 October 1965, Mumbai, India

He is an Indian Islamic thinker, missionary, speaker, and writer who works on Islam and comparative theology.

He is the founder of a non-profit organization called the 'Islamic Research Foundation, which operates the Peace TV network, through which his lectures reach an audience of around ten million. Taney is an expert and most influential figure in comparative theology.

He is considered one of the televangelists and leading Salafi preachers of modern Islam and the world.
Unlike many Islamic preachers, his sermons are interactive and question-and-answer based.
Which he delivered not in Arabic or Urdu but in English

Although he is a doctor by profession, since 1991 he has focused on spreading Islam. He has published many booklet editions of his treatises on Islam and Comparative Religion.
Although he publicly rejects sectarianism in Islam, he is considered by many to be a supporter of Salafi ideology, and by others to be a Wahhabi preacher.
Currently, his preaching is banned in India, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Bangladesh.
Dr. Zakir Naik claims that Islam is the best religion because “the Qur'an itself says so. No other scripture or religious script claims that. He also said that Islam is given a medal/recognition as intolerant. Corruption, discrimination, injustice, adultery, drugs, and all bad content are prohibited. Islam is the most "tolerant" religion, as long as it upholds human values.

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