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Stop Premature Ejaculation

 Stop Premature Ejaculation

Namaskar. Modern day stress and anxiety sometimes causes sexual dysfunctional issues such as premature ejaculation. This can lead to distress, embarrassment and depression. As a result of this intimate relationship with one partner gets affected. 

This bitterness could also spill over into professional and social areas of one's life. Many get into stress and depression because of this issue. From years of experience of teaching, I believe that practice of yoga is greatly beneficial in this condition. There are other treatments available, but side effects of drugs can cause concern. Yoga, on the other hand, is non-intrusive and provides physical, mental and sexual well-being. Naturally. 

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Here are some yogic techniques I recommend to those who suffer from premature ejaculation. Among yoga asanas, standing poses such as Garudasana and Trikonasana really helps improve toning the pelvic muscles and naturally improves blood circulation in that area in a sitting position. But the Konasana, popularly known as the butterfly pose and forward bending paschimottanasana are really helpful. Some lying down postures can work wonders in improving the tone and flexibility of perineal and pelvic muscles. Among this, the best ones are Supta, Vajrasana and Setu. But if one doesn't have any other complications or surgery, one must practice inversions such as sarvangasana. For treating premature ejaculation. Surya Namaskar also is an excellent practice for improving and strengthening the muscle tone and increasing overall stamina. It is essential to relax in Schaffhausen after practicing yoga asanas here, person will relax deeply and increase awareness. The practice of Bola Bandha contracts the area between anus and genital organ and increases the awareness of the muscles in that region. Kapalbhati is a kriya in which air is exhaled rapidly through the nose as a variation of this kriya. If one exhales through the mouth, ejaculation may be prolonged. Pranayama such as bhramari helps in reducing anxiety and calms the nervous system. I also recommend daily meditation to reduce negative thoughts. Meditation automatically will increase energy and provide mind and body relaxation. Well. One should also realize that besides these yogic practices, a healthy lifestyle is also important in management of premature ejaculation. Try to keep fresh home cooked food as far as possible. Include walnuts, bananas, chillies, carrots, spinach, garlic and onion in a diet for better sexual health. Get enough rest and sleep to keep your mind free of stress. Cultivate hobbies and enjoy the other wonderful aspects of life together with your partner. I advise you to trust in the benevolence of higher reality or God, or however you perceive this power to enable you to face challenges in life with strength and conviction. Learn and practice yogic techniques and make changes in your approach to life. But remember, yogic techniques should be practiced for about one hour every day for a period of at least 3 to 4 months to observe positive physical and mental changes. Continue with the practice to uplift yourself and explore all the joys of life and live joyfully and happily. Namaste. 

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