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Don't panic, get to know these three unknown sensations in your body during intercourse


There is no point in denying it, from a young age, when hearing the word physical intercourse or sex, the elders of the house used to paint such eyes that 'education' is a far place with this word, even if it is pronounced, it will be a sin. It was a matter of types! As a result, most of the Bengali girls know about sex superficially either from friends, reading magazines, watching blue films or visiting porn sites if they are very modern. But none of this teaches us that sexual intercourse is also very natural, that it is done not only by humans, but by all animals, and that all, especially women, need an adequate knowledge of this physiological process, which is essential for reproduction. No one becomes 'Dempo'! Let's go, the past is the past, we'd rather talk about the present.

During physical intercourse or during sex, both men and women play some feelings in their bodies (woman's body experiences these things during sex). They are not exactly emotional feelings, nor are they completely physical. But if you don't know about them properly, where can you overcome the fog that will remain in your mind and fully enjoy the joy of sex? So today we will talk about three physical feelings of women, which many of us may experience during sex, but cannot understand what is happening! The only problem is, there are no proper Bengali words to express these feelings. So we are forced to use English words.


During sex, many times a fluid like urine comes out of our genitals. Don't go out again for a long time. This process is called squirting. But it is not a white discharge at all. Not even urine. However, tests have shown that the composition of the fluid expelled through squirting is similar to that of urine, but not quite. Studies have shown that 54 percent of women experience squirting during intercourse. However, the kind of squirting that pornography often portrays as a jet spray, is not the case at all. That's dramatization, mind you. But in this case, it is important to say something. If you're having a healthy, normal sex life even if you're squirting, don't freak out if you're not. Sometimes squirting during sex, sometimes not, is completely normal. Please don't ruin your sex life by thinking about it!


When your partner's penis enters your vagina during sex, there is often a strange sound. Much like rhetoric. The only difference is that this gassy sound is not coming out of your anus, but instead of coming out of your vagina, at least you will clearly understand it. This is called quiffing. In fact, women often have air trapped in their vaginal cavity. Just like gas accumulation in any part of our body. It often comes out during sex. There was no shame or fear about it, nothing to gain. If your partner questions or makes fun of the word, tell them to google the word quiffing, voila!

Non lubricity of vagina

This is very common. This means keeping your vagina dry during sex. Normally when our body is excited, that signal reaches the vagina in advance. It starts producing lubricant on its own to make the mating process smooth. But sometimes it may not be. Reasons behind this are considered to be short foreplay time, trying to reach orgasm quickly, stress, anxiety etc. Also, many girls' bodies naturally produce less lubricant. So, there is no reason to even worry about it. Instead, you can try using an artificial lubricant.

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