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why men love women's breasts/boobs

Men love women's breasts/boobs

Men's attraction to breasts is irresistible. Many men's eyes automatically go to the chest of the woman in front. But why? Why are women's breasts at the center of so much interest in men? According to the research book 'The Chemistry Between Us: Love, Sex, and the Science of Attraction written by psychologists and American authors Larry Young and Brian Alexander.

The concept of reproduction is associated with the breast. Strange as it may sound, it is from this eternal concept that men are equally attracted to women's boobs.

The report also highlighted - According to the researchers, the boobs as a female organ is the most 'mysterious' to men. This idea originates in puberty. As a boy grows up, he sees a part of the female body that is not his own. From this thought, women's breasts remain mysterious and attractive to him forever.

Breasts play an important role in human intercourse. Hormones released from the nipples also affect human sexual function. Naturally, this habit affects his choices as well.

Looking at breasts, sexual excitement is felt in the male body. This phenomenon also plays a role in men's interest in breasts.

Humans are the only mammals whose breasts are associated with sexual arousal. This is not the case with any other animal.

Men are generally more attracted to large breasts. Behind it is also the idea of ​​that genealogy.

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One of the softest parts of the female body is the breast. This tenderness attracts men. As a result, men feel interested in touching and pressing the breast.

Female breasts are very comfortable for men. It is his age-old habit to rest with his head on the breast.

From these long-term habits, the mental structure of people has determined the attraction of men toward women's breasts. What may be considered one of the wonders of nature today.
The female body is mysterious. All men wait for the right moment to touch a woman's body. Men have a different attraction to the female body. There are no men who are not attracted to shapely breasts in women's bodies. Not only men but also women are very proud of their breasts. Women worry a lot about the shape and structure of their breasts. If the breasts are small in size or not the right size, drooping, women become overly worried. But why? Why so much attraction to the breast? According to experts, there are some reasons behind this, let's know them.

1. The first reason is that women's breasts/boobs look very beautiful when they are well formed.

No matter what shape he is in. Men will be attracted to it. Beautiful breasts give women a unique personality. Looking at a girl, every man's eyes are fixed on her breasts. It sounds bad but it is 100% true.

2. Breast is a symbol of femininity. Breasts make the difference between male and female bodies. Otherwise, it is not possible to distinguish males and females from the outside. The division of women's breasts is a source of pride for them. Many women, therefore, wear clothes that show cleavage.

3. Women's attraction to boobs is not from today. From the earliest times, seeing the well-formed boobs of women arouses strong desire in men's minds and bodies. There is also a psychological reason behind this. That is, fertile and fertile women have beautiful breasts. So men choose women with beautiful and shapely breasts as life partners.

4. Some parts of the women's bodies can be seen outside of the clothes. Especially the size of the breast can be understood. If it is formed like that, men's eyes are stuck there. The fire of desire that burns in the mind or body is called 'Visual Stimulation'.
5. A woman's entrance to her inner world is her breast. Touching the breast before intercourse arouses sexual excitement in both men and women. Gradually the fire of Kama spread throughout the body. The role of the breast in foreplay before intercourse cannot be denied.

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6. No matter how old the relationship is, a man's attraction to his partner's breasts never goes away. Men find their peace in the breasts of their wives after a long day of work. Men love to seek peace by lying with their heads on their boobs. Studies show that men who sleep with their heads on their breasts are healthier, and live longer.

7. Men like to touch women's boobs for the elasticity of the breast structure. Here experts talk about a psychological argument. They say that men who touch their wife's or lover's breasts with care are very responsible towards their wives.

8. Breasts are one of the most mysterious places in the female body. Whenever men's eyes go to the breasts, women start thinking about the actual shape of the boobs under the clothes. That thought haunts until the mystery of that breast are revealed.

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